MERN Stack Web Development Training


MERN Stack training in Khanna, provided by GN Infotech is the best training in Khanna.The MERN stack is a modern, open-source full-stack development stack that provides a quick and easy way to build web applications. It is based on JavaScript and consists of MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js. With the MERN stack, developers can quickly create powerful web applications with a single codebase.

GN Infotech provides the best MERN Stack Training in Khanna with below mentioned course curriculum. GN Infotech labs are equipped with latest software so that students can get 100% practical training.

At the completion of training the participant will exhibit the following :

  • - Understanding of MERN platform, syntax and basic concepts
  • -Design Front End with HTML, CSS3 JQuery-UI, Bootstrap libraries
  • -Basics of JScript and Advance topic of scripting
  • -OOPS in JScript
  • -ES6, ES7, ES8
  • -Node.js-Environment and Setup
  • -Express.js- Detailed with Restful API's
  • -MongoDB using Mongooes -Details
  • -MongoDB Indexing, Aggregation & Security
  • -React Lifecycle & Context
  • -JavaScript DOM Manipulation & React Basics
  • -React Router
  • -Webpack -Web Application Setup Detailed
  • -CRUD in MERN
  • -Deployment and Hosting


  • - Industry Compliant Syllabus
  • - Multi-Platform Demonstration
  • - Product Based Training
  • - Real-Time Case Studies
  • - Use of Latest Tools & Technology
  • - LCD equipped class room
  • - Unlimited Lab facility
  • - Faculty drawn from Industries
  • - Daily Handouts & Lab Exercise
  • - Workshops on New Technologies


  • - MERN Stack Web Developer
  • - Full Stack Web Developer

What is web development
Understanding the basics of web development
Introduction to HTML tags and attributes
Styling HTML pages with CSS3

Introduction to GIT and version control
Setting up a GIT repository and committing changes
Creating responsive web pages with media queries
Introduction to CSS frameworks like Bootstrap
Designing Stylish Web site using Bootstrap

Advanced CSS techniques like flex-box and grid
Best practices for HTML and CSS development
Overview of JavaScript language and its features

Variables, data types, and operators
Control flow statements (if-else, for, while, switch)

Introduction to ES6 features like let, const, and arrow functions
Working with functions, objects, and arrays
Variable types, scoping, and error handling
Using OOPS concept
ES5 vs Es6 vs Es7

Manipulating the DOM with JavaScript
Handling events and user interactions with JavaScript
Debugging and troubleshooting JavaScript code

Introduction to React and its features
Setting up a React development environment
JSX syntax and its benefits
Creating React components

Creating reusable React components
Using props to pass data between components
Creating conditional rendering and handling events in React
Best practices for React component development

Introduction to React Hooks
Understanding state and its importance in React
Understanding use State and use Effect Hook
Implementing custom hooks in React

Understanding React Routing
Understanding client-side routing & server-side routing
Introduction to different types of React routers

Introduction to class-based components
Understanding React Lifecycle and its phases
Introduction to React context
Use of lazy and suspense

Understanding the basics of web servers and HTTP requests
Node Modules - HTTP, File Systems, etc.
Understanding the Node.js event loop and asynchronous programming
Express in Nodejs
API in NodeJS
SetTimeout and Promises in NodeJS
Folder Structure of NodeJS
Get Post Put Delete Method in ReactJS
How to connect Reactjs With NodeJS
Streams in NodeJS
Modules in NodeJS

Using callbacks, promises, and async/await in Node.js Handling errors and debugging Node.js applications Implementing security best practices in Node.js

What is ExpressJS?
Use of ExpressJS
Get Post Update Delete Method in ExpressJS
Routing in ExpressJS
URL Building
Restful APIs
JSON response

Understanding the principles of RESTful APIs
Setting up an Express.js development environment
Building a simple Express.js server
Building CRUD operations with Express.js
Implementing middleware in Express.js
Best practices for building scalable and maintainable APIs

Understanding NoSQL databases and MongoDB
Setting up a MongoDB development environment
Building MongoDB schema and models with Mongoose
Queries in MongoDB
CRUD Operation in MongoDB
MongoDB Compass in Reactjs
How to connect MongoDB with NodeJs
MongoDB create Database
MongoDb Insert
MongoDb Find
MongoDb Sort
MongoDb Delete
MongoDb Update
MongoDb Limit
Using Mongoose to perform CRUD operations in MongoDB

Understanding MongoDB indexing and aggregation
Implementing authentication and authorization with MongoDB
Best practices for securing MongoDB applications
Implementing data migrations and backups in MongoDB

Introduction to state management with Redux
Setting up Redux in a React application
Creating Redux actions and reducers
Integrating Redux with React Components

Advanced RESTful API concepts
Implementing authentication and authorization in Express.js
Handling file uploads and other advanced features
Testing and documenting RESTful APIs

Applying the knowledge gained throughout the course
Building FlavourFleet - a Food Delivery App with MERN stack
Developing features, integrating APIs, and implementing user authentication
Project development, testing, and debugging

Introduction to CI & CD pipelines
Deploying React applications using hosting services
Deploying Node.js applications with server configurations